Thursday, December 29, 2011

Joke Shop.

Here are some of the screenshots of my animation. I designed it on illustrator as I want to get better at it. It took me a long time I must admit, so I did some of the shots on Photoshop as I am much more familiar with it. It is my first animation, and I used iMovie to put the still imaged together with a recording of myself reading the rhyme out loud.

Below is the lyrics and video.


Rub a dub dub,
Three men in a pub,
10 pints of larger,
and onto a club.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

The Haymakers.

This is the first night I stayed up, it was really challenging and its was bloody freezing!!! I haven't stayed up to see the sun rise in a long time, so it really hit me. I was struggling to stay up all night. Luckily I wasn't on my own. I made my friend camp out with me because I know I would fall asleep. 

This was a few days after the first night. It wasn't as hard as the first time, because the first night messed up my sleeping pattern for a while! So it was the perfect opportunity. This time I stayed up on my own, it wasn't as cold as the other night.

This was now my final night of staying up. It really wasn't as cold and I started to enjoy watching the sun rise each night. It's not something I see often because really and truly, I love my sleep! Like really really love my sleep! 

I took all these photo's with my SLR Camera on a Tripod where I hardly moved for the past week.

Thursday, December 22, 2011

TV Sketchbook.
This is the final outcome of the 1000 pictures of what was on the TV. It was one of the longest projects I have ever done, as it took a lot of time and effort, but once I have completed it on a double page spread it was worth it! I'm surprised it looked the way it did and for the images to be so small. There is a range of colours so i thought the word 'Colourful' would work best with the caption at the bottom.

Friday, December 9, 2011

Midnight in Paris.

After watching the movie Midnight in Paris, we had to create a remake of our own of this movie within a Minute long video! We had just about 4 hours to do so. So as soon as we were able to set off in our groups, we went to have lunch and have a quick discussion with what we wanted to get in the minute clip. After lunch, we set of the trafalgar square to film our opening scene, we also tried to film ourselves in the National Portrait Gallery, but we got in trouble haha. Worth the try I guess! Because that failed, we set of the covent garden and filmed everything else there. We were lucky enough to get one of the peoples on the bike to ride us around the corner for free, as the first guy we asked said no. We then ran into 'Pret a Manger' in convent garden around 4pm to edit it on my Macbook Pro. This was done very quick which was a surprise! We also downloaded one of the tracks we found on youtube. It was very long day and I literally thought it was impossible to do so, but it was all done in the end.

As the first attempt of our video was over 1 minute long, I had to reedit the video and upload it onto youtube by 9pm the same night! It was the most rushed I have ever felt as I had work straight after lesson which I finished at 11pm and because I had it on my laptop and no one else had the files it just seemed like so much at the time! I asked my manager for a break as before 9pm because I had to meet this deadline and not let the team down! I had to cut the video short which then made it even more hard! I also wanted to find the font that was used for the movie poster and eventually I did. It was a rush, and because I haven't worked with film in a while, it was quite a challenge. It was a fun project and I liked the fact I was able to use my editing abilities all over again after giving up Media Studies!

As a group we won the Oscar for 'Best Editing'. I was really happy about that :)

Thursday, December 8, 2011

Farm To Market.

This is the final reductive graphics designs I did for all the items i had to find in the Farm and Market. I chose to do some things really simple and some things with a little more detail. Especially with the items from the market. It took me a while to do as I had to try and make it look like the item as much as possible without putting a lot of detail.

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Skate or Die!

Above is the two skateboards I have designed, the one on the left is the Conceptual Lead design, as I wanted to do something with the City and on the right is the Typography design. 
With the left design I chose to take a photograph in Central London in Trafalgar Square and do a long exposure showing the light trail. I chose to use the 80s style skateboard as I feel like it showed more for the photograph.
On the right, I chose to use the quote 'Don't Stop The Beat'. I don't really have a reason for choosing this, as I just like the quote. As final skateboard, I don't feel as if i made it the best I could. Now that I'm looking back at it, I feel as if there is too much going on. Maybe I should have just kept it more simple. I chose to use the 70s style board.

Here are another two skate boards I have designed. The one on the left is the Purely Decorative design, and the one on the right is the design I had to make for someone. I Chose my little sister.
On the left, I chose to keep it floral and a bit more girly, as I feel that there aren't many female boards out. I kept it blue as I didn't want to make it too feminine and the different shades gave it a different effect. I chose to use the 00s style board.
On the right, is the design i created for my little sister. She is really into an online game called 'Maple Story' and I chose to base the board on the different characters from the game. I went on their website to get some inspiration as I don't really know much about it myself and I saw a range of characters and chose to mix and match the looks around and come up with a few character designs for the skate board it self. It took a really long time as I wanted to make sure they looked like Maple Story characters and not just any cartoon characters. I chose to put this on a 90s board.

Wednesday, November 30, 2011

Think Crime!
This was my perfect crime, it took me a long time to do this as I didn't want to do it by hand. The story behind this is a restaurant serves human meat, they kill people, but to get rid of their evidence they serve it in a restaurant and the customers seem to really like it! I chose to keep it in the same colour scheme to make it look like a comic book, but I found it really hard to keep the first box in the colour scheme, I also left that to last as it was the most difficult box to do, as I couldn't come up with how they would commit the murder! I also wanted to add a few more boxes at the beginning showing why they murdered the victim, but I didn't have enough time for the deadline as it took me about a week to complete it. 

Typography Cookbook.

This was a project which challenged my baking skills. I have never baked before, so it was something new and fun! There were times where I found it extremely hard, as I had to make sure the mould was secure and it wouldn't leek out or over rise. For the mould, I used cardboard and stuck it together with selo-tape. This took me about 30 minutes as I wanted to make sure it was right. I then wrapped all of the mould in foil, just to make sure it wouldn't catch on fire. I then began baking, chocolate fudge cake! i found the recipe online, and followed it through. End product, it was ok. Not the best, was really dry and hard in some places! A fun project indeed.

Monday, November 21, 2011

Top Trumps!
For this project I had to create me own Top Trump card, I was given the template but I then had to edit it all to fit my card, it challenged my ability of using illustrator and indesign as I have not used them a lot, it was hard to get the hang of, but the tutorials my tutors gave me was really good! Here is my card, it took me one nights to do the best I could as there was a lot of learning to do.

Sunday, November 20, 2011

Wing Of a Bee 2.

This is the colour version of the wing of a bee project. As I didn't read the brief properly where it said it had to be in full colour! This is the end result.

Thursday, November 17, 2011

Wing Of A Bee.

With this project we had two weeks to complete, after coming up with designs after designs this was the one i came up with. I wanted something to do with floral, but at the same time not to make it look so feminine. I then went on to go with the theme of Nature. This was actually my second design, as the first one it wasn't really communicating well according to my feedback sheet. It took me about 3 days to complete the hand drawn version on A2. But with the illustrated version it was a totally different story. As I have never used illustrator before, this was a big challenge for me, even with the illustrator tutorial with my tutor Dan, I still found this very hard. In the end it took me about a week and a half to finish this. But I am very happy with the final outcome.

Thursday, November 3, 2011

100 New Uses For A Brick Part 2.

The second part of the project was to complete the 100 new uses of a brick digitally. I used photoshop as I don't know how to use illustrator well, I used the pen tool to create all my brick designs and used the typeface 'Arial' to label each design. It took me a few days, but the end product I am very satisfied with. 
100 New Uses For A Brick.

The first part of the project was to draw out 100 new uses for a brick, it was a challenging task, but very fun as it worked with your imagination and I was able to see how much I went out of the box, here are my 100 sketches that I completed during today's lesson.

Monday, October 24, 2011



This was a project for a real client 'Jotta'. We were given a brief that we had to design wrapping paper, so that it would be used for diplay on the window which would be covering a big present box. The wrapping paper we had to design was for a clothing store, which sold big fashion labels. I found this project really hard, but I did try my best, I went with something simple, as i thought that would look best as the website for 'Matches' was very simple and clean. The first design is just basic stripes from a few colours I picked up from a few dresses on the website, and the other design is a typography type wrapping paper. I thought this would be fun, and would give more of a Christmas feel. I used the quote "Fashion Fades, Style is External" I really liked the quote and thought it worked well with the Shop itself. I used the font "Chopin Script" as I think calligraphy writing seems to give out more of a Christmas feel.

Above another design I had come up with, and was my final design for the wrapping paper. I decided to go with a repetitive pattern as I thought that it would look best. I designed this using photoshop, I've also tried to do a few colours.
Below are the two I sent of to Jotta. Unfortunately I never got chosen, but it was real fun to do a live project. 

Pay To Play

This was a project where we had to design a pound coin fora cash prize of £50 for first place, we had to follow a brief to design what was meant to be on the coin as a design, this was to express the current global finacial climate.
On the front of the pound coin, I chose to put a design of an iceberg with the water at the bottom to show that we are losing the ice around the world because of the climate, and on the back of the coin, I chose to put a design of the globe with flames coming out of it on the side. This shows that because of the climate change, we are slowing burning everything and getting rid of it due global warming.
With the colours, I chose to keep it simple with just having the coin as the goldcolour as it normally would be on a pound coin and have the deisgn in black.
I also made a little model which was the same size as a real pound coin, I tried to carve the image in it so that i wouldn't have to spoil the look of how a real coin would look, but it wasn't really visable, which meant I had to go over the outline in black. Above is the hand drawn version of the coin before I designed it digitally using photoshop.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Meet Me On The Corner Part 2.

This is the map I had designed for the Meet Me On The Corner trip, where we had to travel to 40 different locations. This project shows mapping and way finding. I had decided to put it out onto a tube map, but I didn't exactly place the places I had visited where they actually was. I decided that to use the whole tube line would show what this project is all about, and it is still a map. 

Friday, October 14, 2011

Meet Me On The Corner.

The first stop was to American Apparel, I tried on a skirt.

The next stop was to Liberty, we had to take pictures on the stairway.

Then to the apple store on Regents street to check out email, where we saw tributes for Steve Jobs. RIP. xx

When we got to the Photographers Gallery, it was closed, so we took unusual pictures against the sign explaining why it was closed.

We then went to two different Record stores on Berwick Street.

The next stop was Star Cafe, where we stopped to have lunch.

Lying down in Soho Square.

Photography Bookstore! where I got to look at some good books.

Music store on Denmark Street and outside No 6 where the Sex Pistols used to live.

Geeking it  out in Forbidden Planet!

The strong smell of coffee.

Cheese? Not really my thing! Couldn't stand the smell of the store.

Amazing Graphical Skate board designs in Slam Skate City.

Oh no the Paparazzi at The Ivy!!

At the London Graphics Centre in covent Garden! Popped in to buy a new lead pencil and some 0.3 lead.

Magma Book store.

And finally, the most challenging task out of the 40! Van Gogh's sunflower painting in The National Gallery. 

Thursday, October 13, 2011


Guidelines Booklet for 'Brand me up Buttercup!'

With the 'Brand me up Buttercup' project, I decided to take it a little bit further, and create a Guideline booklet for the brand itself. I decided to turn it into it's own company and brand. Here are the contents of the booklet.