Friday, December 9, 2011

Midnight in Paris.

After watching the movie Midnight in Paris, we had to create a remake of our own of this movie within a Minute long video! We had just about 4 hours to do so. So as soon as we were able to set off in our groups, we went to have lunch and have a quick discussion with what we wanted to get in the minute clip. After lunch, we set of the trafalgar square to film our opening scene, we also tried to film ourselves in the National Portrait Gallery, but we got in trouble haha. Worth the try I guess! Because that failed, we set of the covent garden and filmed everything else there. We were lucky enough to get one of the peoples on the bike to ride us around the corner for free, as the first guy we asked said no. We then ran into 'Pret a Manger' in convent garden around 4pm to edit it on my Macbook Pro. This was done very quick which was a surprise! We also downloaded one of the tracks we found on youtube. It was very long day and I literally thought it was impossible to do so, but it was all done in the end.

As the first attempt of our video was over 1 minute long, I had to reedit the video and upload it onto youtube by 9pm the same night! It was the most rushed I have ever felt as I had work straight after lesson which I finished at 11pm and because I had it on my laptop and no one else had the files it just seemed like so much at the time! I asked my manager for a break as before 9pm because I had to meet this deadline and not let the team down! I had to cut the video short which then made it even more hard! I also wanted to find the font that was used for the movie poster and eventually I did. It was a rush, and because I haven't worked with film in a while, it was quite a challenge. It was a fun project and I liked the fact I was able to use my editing abilities all over again after giving up Media Studies!

As a group we won the Oscar for 'Best Editing'. I was really happy about that :)

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